GREP_COLORS utility v0.2

Paste in a GREP_COLORS string to preview it.

Tweak the style the way you want, with a live preview of how it'll look!

Note that currently this only supports changing mt= but will preview ms= and mc=.


$ grep -vbRinIH -P "[\[\]{}()+=]|^$" ./app.js
./app.js:16:728:                                // 
./app.js:23:938:                    // TODO: error
./app.js:34:1260:            scale,
./app.js:35:1279:            imageData,
./app.js:36:1302:            pixelData;
./app.js:51:1811:            // Loop over each pixel and invert the color.
./app.js:228:9436:        return _readImage;
$ grep -binHIC2 document ../bash-ps1/app.js
../bash-ps1/app.js-70-1942-    });
../bash-ps1/app.js:72:1951:    $(document).trigger('builder.compile');
../bash-ps1/app.js-84-2240-    $(this).parents('.block').remove();
../bash-ps1/app.js:86:2281:    $(document).trigger('builder.compile');
../bash-ps1/app.js:89:2330:$(document).on('builder.compile', function() {
../bash-ps1/app.js-90-2377-    $('#input').val('');
../bash-ps1/app.js-238-6949-    }
../bash-ps1/app.js:240:6956:    $(document).trigger('builder.compile');
export GREP_COLORS='';Copy


Matching Lines sl=

Context Lines cx=

Matching Text mt=

File Name fn=

Line Number ln=

Byte Number bn=

Separator se=